Mrs. Patricia Bageine Ejalu is the Deputy Executive Director – Standards.
She has over 20 years of experience in standardization services. She holds a Master of Science (MSc) in Food Science from the University of Reading, UK, and a Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Food Science and Technology from The Sokoine University of Agriculture, Tanzania.
Mrs. Ejalu began her career in UNBS in 1999 as a Standards Officer in the Chemistry Laboratory. She then moved to the Microbiology Laboratory where she participated in its accreditation by the South African National Accreditation System (SANAS) in 2001.
She later headed the Microbiology Laboratory, after which she was appointed the Manager of the Testing Department in 2007. During this period she was also a member of the National Biosafety Committee (NBC) housed under the Uganda National Council for Science and Technology (UNCST). In 2009 she was transferred to manage the Standards Department which at that time was located at the UNBS Kanjokya Street Office.
In November 2012 Mrs Ejalu was appointed Ag Deputy Executive Director – Technical Operations Directorate (TOD) a position she was later confirmed into in March the following year. In 2017 the TOD was split into two: the Standards Directorate and the Compliance Directorate and she was appointed the Deputy Executive Director – Standards.
She is married with four children.