TOLL FREE: (0800)133133


  23rd February , 2021 ,       Hits: 2459

The Uganda National Bureau of Standards (UNBS), National Drug Authority (NDA), and Uganda Communications Commission (UCC), have observed with concern a growing number of advertisements of products claiming nutritional and therapeutic value on television, radio and social media.

These advertisements, which exaggerate the therapeutic capability of the drinks being advertised, are not only misleading to the public but actually putting lives at risk. Moreover, some of them, especially the visual content on TV and social media, portray inappropriate content.

Section 33 (1)(c) of the National Drug Policy and Authority Act, Cap 206 prohibits the advertisement and publication of information that is calculated to promote the use of a drug for prevention or treatment of any disease or relating to enhancing human potency. In addition, Section 5 (1) to (5) in the Food and Drugs Act, Cap 278 prohibits the false labelling or advertisement of food or drug.

Anyone who advertises or promotes a product with claims of a cure, treatment, prevention and/or modification of disease/body function is advertising a drug and must seek the approval of NDA.

The media platforms that publish these advertisements contravene sections 12 and 13 of Annex 14 of the Advertising Standards issued by the UCC. At the same time, the claims made in the adverts are not in tandem with the applicable Uganda Standards for labelling and use of claims for the health drinks concerned.

NDA, UNBS, and UCC have extensively engaged the concerned health drinks manufacturers on acceptable advertising practices.

Media operators and owners have also been engaged in advertising standards, especially regarding running advertisements with nutritional and therapeutic claims.

NDA, UNBS and UCC would like therefore, in the interest of public health and safety, warn all manufacturers of such beverages and the media houses engaged in running these deceptive adverts to desist from such practices with immediate effect. Any manufacturer or media house found in violation of these requirements will face sanctions in accordance with the laws put in place by government to protect consumer health and safety from these dangerous deceptive practices.

The agencies will continue to engage the public on the safety of the products they consume. They will also continue to monitor such products on the market to protect consumers.

Members of the public are encouraged to report any drug promotional materials or advertisement that they think is inappropriate to either NDA, UNBS or UCC or UNBS for investigation and possible prosecution of the offenders.


National Drug Authority

P. O Box 23096, Kampala, Uganda

Plot 19 Lumumba Avenue (opposite TWED plaza)

Tel: +256 [0]417 788 100 (Reception) +256 [0]417 788 124

(Directorate of Product Safety/ +256 [0]417 788 129 (Directorate of Inspectorate Services)

Email:  Website:


Uganda Communications Commission

UCC House, Plot 42-44 Spring road Bugolobi

P.O Box 7376 Kampala

Phone: +256414339000, +256312339000

Email:,  Website:


Uganda National Bureau of Standards

Plot 2 -12, Bypass Link, Industrial & Business park,            

P.O Box 6329 Kampala, Uganda

Tel: 0417333250

TOLL FREE: 0800133133

Email: Website: