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  25th January , 2021 ,       Hits: 2236

The National Standards Council has declared one hundred Sixty (160) new National standards for use, in accordance to section 15 of the Uganda National Bureau of Standards (UNBS) Act Cap 327.

Out of the 160 new standards; 63 are in the Chemicals and Consumer products sector, 60 are in the engineering sector, 29 are in the Food and Agricultural Sector and Eight (8) in the Management and Services sector.

Thirty (30) of the new standards in the Chemicals and Consumer products sector, Nineteen(19 ) of the new standards in the Engineering Sector and Eighteen( 18 ) of the new standards in the Food and Agricultural Sector are to be declared Compulsory Standards in accordance with section 18 of Cap 327 of the laws of Uganda.

UNBS therefore calls upon all interested parties that may have any objection to declaring the compulsory application of the standards to lodge their objections in writing to the UNBS Executive Director within Sixty( 60 days) , starting 15th December 2020.

The National Standards Council has also withdrawn Fifty Seven (57) old standards, following the publication of their revised versions. These include Footwear standards, Hair extension standards, Body and Baby Oils standards, Deodorants and Anti Perspirants standards, Raw Hides and Skins standards, among others.

The list of standards can be viewed on the UNBS Website ;

and can be purchased online via the UNBS webstore.

About UNBS

The Uganda National Bureau of Standards (UNBS) is a statutory body responsible for developing, promoting and enforcing standards in protection of Health and Safety of the public and the Environment well as facilitating Fair trade and Competition.

A standard is a document that contains rules, guidelines or characteristics of given product. Standards are important because they guide the user on the required and appropriate designs of products, services and systems, which in turn improves product, service and systems’ quality, leading to efficiency as business costs are reduced, profits are increased, driving growth of the business sector and Ugandan economy at large.