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UNBS annual performance highlights for FY 2018/19

  4th September , 2019 ,       Hits: 1104

2.0 Improved competiveness of locally manufactured products to access export market.  

2.2 Standards Development

2.3 Laboratory Product Testing

3.0 Ensuring quality products on the market

We undertook a number of activities in enforcing standards to ensure that we have quality products on the market and to protect the health and safety of consumers. We still have challenges in the prevalence of the substandard goods on the market especially from the informal business. The prevalence while showing a downward trend still remains high thus calling for more efforts in consumer vigilance, market information sharing, partnership at local governments and consumer awareness.

3.1 Imports Inspection

3.2 Market Surveillance

4.0 Ensuring Accuracy of Measurement Systems

5. ICT and Automation of UNBS Services

As part of the medium term IT strategy UNBS continues to invest in ICT platforms for enhanced service delivery. In the past 2 years, UNBS has been able to automate most of its services including the development of UNBS APP. Other platforms include the e-portal for imports inspection, LIMS for laboratory, CIMS for certification, SIMS for standards and webstore for procurement of standards on-line. E-MINZANI is in the process of being piloted and tested before roll out this year.

6. Decentralisation of UNBS Services

In addition to the e-platforms, UNBS continue to decentralise its services so as to bring services closer to Ugandans. As a result the market surveillance and product certification functions were decentralised to Gulu, Mbale and Mbarara. We hope that the laboratory testing will follow this financial year depending on the release of funds from government.

7. Focus in FY 2019-20

UNBS focused efforts will continue with deepening the decentralisation of UNBS services in Gulu, Mbale and Mbarara. Efforts are underway for increased engagement and collaboration with Local Governments and partners to reduce the substandard goods on the market while empowering MSMEs to export to regional and international markets.

8. Conclusions

Quality and standards have greater potential to unlock most challenges facing the country. Indeed most countries that have developed in terms of trade and investments have invested in the national quality infrastructure of standards, conformity assessment and metrology. The FY 2018-19 was a challenging and yet rewarding year for UNBS. The Bureau continues to grow in terms of infrastructure and manpower but is yet to reach the desired optimal levels to satisfy our stakeholder’s expectations. The overall operating capacity in terms of budget is between 40-45%. We would therefore like to call upon government and media for increased support to UNBS activities and programs so as to contribute more effectively to national socio-economic development of Uganda through quality and standards everywhere.




4th September 2019