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ARSO Continental Essay Competition


The Uganda National Bureau of Standards has unveiled the 12th ARSO Essay competition under the theme “Role of Education about Standardisation (EaS) in Shaping Education and African Students for the Sustainable Development Opportunities and Challenges in the 21st Century”.

African Organisation for standardisation (ARSO) in partnership with National Standards Bodies (NSBs) in African countries has been organising Essay competitions since 2013 to enlighten and create a culture of quality among the youth. 

The ARSO Essay competition is open to Citizens of all African countries below the age of 35 years living in Africa and studying in a university /college recognised by the local National Council for Higher Education or equivalent bodies in their countries.

Essay Criteria Students should follow;

  • Essays should be between 1000 and 1200 words in English or French, double-spaced, and presented in century Gothic, size 12.
  • Authors may use up to 50 words to describe themselves. Information should include their names, course and year of study, name, and town in which the university is located and this shall NOT be part of 1000-1200 words.
  • Authors should state their postal, physical, telephone, and email addresses on the first page of the essay together with the title and information of the author. Identity card or passport and a filled registration form must also be attached.
  • The essay should be written with a precise introduction including the General Understanding of Standards and Standardisation, and the relation with Education about Standardisation
  • Provide a clear understanding of EaS Challenges in relation to the 21st Century
  • Provide Solutions for the implementation of standards and policy strategies developed nationally or continentally in relation to the 21st century.
  • Precise conclusion with your personal comment.

The winners at the National and regional levels will progress to the continental level where the finalist will walk away with USD 1000, first runner-up with USD 800, and second runner-up with USD 500.

Submission of essay;

  • The essay should be in word document
  • A scanned copy of the registration form and
  • University ID of the author.

Should be sent to the by 28th February 2025 before midnight.

Upon review on the AI Checker, Essays that are AI-Generated will be admissible and automatically disqualified if the score is more than 20% as per the AI Plagiarism Checker Software.


About UNBS

Uganda National Bureau of Standards (UNBS) is a Government Agency responsible for the Developing, Promotion and Enforcement of National Standards in order to protect the Health and Safety of the Public and that of the Environment against Harmful and Sub-Standard Products, as well as promoting Fair Trade and Competition.

For more Information, Please Contact:

Sylvia Kirabo,

Principal Public Relations Officer,

Uganda National Bureau of Standards,

Bweyogerere Industrial Park,

Plot 2 - 12, Kyaliwajala Road,

P.O Box 6329 Kampala, Uganda

Office Tel: 256 417 333250/ Toll Free Line: 0800133133/0800233233

E-mail:  /



12th Continental Essay Competition Concept Note 2024 2025  [ 6.1 MB ]
12th Continental Essay Competition 2024 2025 Registration Form  [ 543 KB ]