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  30th January , 2025 ,       Hits: 122

Uganda, through the Uganda National Bureau of Standards (UNBS) is hosting over 150 food safety experts from different African countries and global partners like the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO) and World Health Organisation (WHO) for a week-long Codex Coordinating Committee for Africa (CCAFRICA) to discuss approaches and strategies of enhancing food safety in Africa through;

Uganda is currently the Coordinator and Chair of the FAO/WHO Codex Coordinating Committee for Africa following the appointment through two terms from 2020-2022 and 2022 to 2024.

During the event, the UNBS Executive Director, Eng. James N. Kasigwa underscored the role of standards in improving food safety and quality as well as the economic impact on Uganda’s GDP.

“As of August 2024, UNBS had developed up to 1,134 standards in the area of food and agriculture including 150, which are directly adopted from Codex. Availability of these food standards has enabled Uganda develop its Quality infrastructure, which has subsequently facilitated the penetration into key lucrative markets in the various food sectors globally.” Eng. Kasigwa said.

He also cited the 2023 report on the economic impact of standards in Uganda for the period of 2001 to 2009, which suggests that availability and use of standards contributes 23.7% of Gross Development Product growth in the country. This, he said, underscores the critical role that standards play in the social economic transformation of Uganda.

The State Minister for Animal Industry from the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries (MAAIF), Hon. Lt. Col (Rtd) Bright Rwamirama noted that implementation of CODEX standards is instrumental in the transformation of agricultural systems across African countries, contributing to the realisation of SDG 1: No Poverty,  SDG 2: Zero Hunger and SDG 3: Good Health and well-being.

“Strengthening the food control system to improve the quality and safety of locally and internationally traded food commodities as well as raising the profile of Codex and Food Safety issues will enable us position our countries for improved access to regional and international markets.’ Hon. Rwamirama added.

The Minister of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives, Hon. Francis Mwebesa urged all CCAFRICA member countries to prioritize the reduction of Barriers to Trade in order to foster intra-Africa trade in food and agriculture products.

“I urge you to prioritise the reduction of Non-Tariff and Technical Barriers to trade because they undermine trade advancements in Africa, leading to inconsistencies in supply chains and eroding trust among trade partners.” Hon. Mwebesa said.

According to the World Health Organisation, the impact of consuming Unsafe Food on Public Health remains significant in the African Continent, with more than 91 Million people falling ill and over 137,000 deaths occurring annually.  The Codex Secretary, Dr. Sarah Cahill called for the continued evolution of Codex standards, if they are to stay significant.

“To remain relevant, Codex standards must evolve. We need to use existing standards and assess their adequacy in addressing new challenges or determine the need for adaptation or revision. Dr. Cahill said.

Codex Alimentarius Commission was established by the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations and the World Health Organisation in 1963 and is charged with the responsibility of developing International Food Standards in order to promote the Quality and Safety of Food, with the aim of protecting Consumers’ Health and ensuring Fair Practices in the Food Trade.  It is currently comprised of 188 Member Countries and 1 Member Organization, the European Union (EU). Uganda has been a member of Codex since 1964 and  UNBS is the Codex Contact Point for the Country.

Other key Ministries, Departments and Agencies involved in Food Safety Control and Codex Activities in Uganda, include, Ministry of Health (Chair of the National Codex Committee), Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries, Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives, National Drug Authority, Dairy Development Authority, Uganda Coffee Development Authority, National Water and Sewerage Corporation, Government Analytical Laboratory. Other key actors in Food Safety and Codex include representatives of Consumer Organizations, Academia, Research, Civil society and the Private Sector.

About UNBS

The Uganda National Bureau of Standards is a Government Body responsible for Developing, Promoting and Enforcing National Standards in order to Protection Public Health and Safety and the Environment against Harmful and Substandard Products.

For more Information, Contact:

Sylvia Kirabo,

Principal Public Relations Officer

Tel: 0703 196 903 / Toll Free Line: 0800133133



More Information on CODEX website below;

CCAFRICA25 / A week of work and celebration gets under way | CODEXALIMENTARIUS